Sysco is nearing five year lows, which makes the stock extra affordable and good buy especially with it's annual dividend yield of 2.9%.
Below is the information on how to participate in the Sysco DRIP Stock Purchase program.
Stock Purchase Background Information
Automatic Deduction Form
Enrollment Application Form
Min. purchase for initial enrollment: 1 Share
Min. purchase for enrolled participants: $100.00
Max. purchase for enrolled participants: $15,000.00 per year
When are optional cash investments made? 2 business days prior to an investment date not usable
Sale of Plan Shares: Permitted
Discount on Optional Cash: No Discount
Discount on Reinvested Dividends: No Discount
SafeKeeping: Permitted
Monthly Direct Debit: Permitted
Certificate Withdrawal From Account: Permitted
Dividend Payable: Dividends are paid in Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct
Share Sale Fee: $10 and 5 cents per share broker commission